Clover’s Annual Fall Portraits- Tacoma, WA Family Photographer

Last year, I took a few pictures of Clover in the front yard with some pretty leaves. I sent it to my closest friends and family, “Clover got her fall portraits taken!” As if I did it every year, and as if it was normal to take annual fall portraits of your dog. This year it only seemed right to carry on and do just that- Take annual fall portraits at Wapato Park! Call me a crazy dog mom and I’ll tell you what a great compliment that is 😉

I waited a loooooong time for this sweet doggie, and she is a daily reminder to be thankful for what I have. My stunning girl is such a gift, even when she is on to me “You forgot the treats. I will sit and I will stay, but I will not be happy.” Hahahahah! That image is one of my favorites (You will be able to pick it out, I promise)! In my defense, I took her somewhere a little more exciting than the front yard this time… somewhere she could run and play and only have to “sit pretty” for a few shots. What a spunky little love. Maybe one year I’ll convince my husband to do “family” pictures together like I did for Nikki!

I need some help with something- We have a spot at the top of our stairs that needs a great piece of art. Which one should I print large and frame? I can’t decide!!!




1 Comment

  1. by Amanda on October 26, 2017  5:06 am Reply

    They are all so beautiful, but my favorite is the close up of her running towards you! So beautiful! Although, the “I will sit here and not be happy about it” picture cracks me up each time I see it!

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