Nikki and Zelda- Fort Funston, San Francisco, CA.

We share a love for large dogs and dramatic coastlines. For travel and adventure. We share an appreciation for analytic conversations. And a belief that every once in a while it is okay to not be okay for a moment. And when that happens, you sit in the fog of life and learn to let the good and the bad exist together. And you continue to lift other people up, and run on the beach, and let your hair blow in the wind as you experience a new richness and depth of life. And you get a Great Dane puppy named Zelda.

Nikki got Zelda at a time when she really needed that snuggly ball of energy and love. A year and a half later I finally got to meet her! It was a celebration weekend as Nikki completed a huge chapter in her academic career. I am so dorky proud of my smart, determined friend. Inspired by Becca and Tallulah,we commemorated the time with a little family session on their favorite beach: Fort Funston 

The weather was not good by most people’s standards- cold and foggy. But it was perfect to us and we loved the dark dramatic background against Zelda’s bright personality! A perfect ending to a meaningful weekend!

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1 Comment

  1. by Nikki on May 31, 2017  7:30 pm Reply

    "nd a belief that every once in a while it is okay to not be okay for a moment. And when that happens, you sit in the fog of life and learn to let the good and the bad exist together. And you continue to lift other people up, and run on the beach, and let your hair blow in the wind as you experience a new richness and depth of life."

    This hit me like poetry. I love these pictures! Zelda cracks me up and I love how well you captured her personality. Thank you so much!

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